Delaware Llc Lookup
Division of Corporations - State of Delaware
Why Incorporate in Delaware? More than one million business entities take advantage of Delaware's complete package of incorporation services, including modern and flexible corporate laws, our highly-respected Judiciary and legal community, a business-friendly government, and the customer-service-oriented staff of the Division of Corporations. You can also stay current on Delaware Corporate Law ... to Look Up an LLC in Delaware? (2022 Guide) - VentureSmarter
Delaware Secretary of State Corporation & Business Entity Search provides information about LLCs registered in the state. The information you can obtain is the business name, file number, date of formation, and check the status of your LLC.The status of an LLC can be active, inactive, or dissolved. to search a Delaware LLC Name? [Step-by-step] | LLC University®
Delaware has 2 ways to search and make sure your LLC name is distinguishable and available for use. You can use the “ Name Availability Search ” which gives you an immediate “yes/no” answer. Or you can use the “ General Information Name Search ” to browse existing businesses and determine distinguishability yourself. Business Licenses Search - Division of Revenue - State of Delaware
Delaware Business Licenses Search Information for businesses currently licensed in Delaware. Business Activity City 70542 Total Results ENCORE RECEIVABLE MGT INC License Number : 2012102994 Business Activity : MERCANTILE AGENCY OR COLLECTIONS AGENCY Valid From : 01-01-2022 Valid To : 12-31-2024 Location : , , PEREGRINE FALCON GROUP LLC OF CORPORATIONS - Delaware
ENTITY SEARCH FILE YOUR ANNUAL REPORT AND PAY BUSINESS ENTITY TAX Why Choose Delaware as Your Corporate Home? More than 1.1 million business entities have their legal home in Delaware including more than 55% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 65% of the Fortune 500. Liability Companies - Division of Revenue - Delaware
820 N. French Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 or (302) 577-8445 Corporate Information - Division of Corporations - Delaware
corporate status online – (this application will reflect the status of an entity but will not generate an official certificate of good standing) you may check corporate/entity status on the web for a fee of $10.00 per entity for status or $20.00 per entity for more detailed information including current franchise tax assessment, current filing … Look-Up - Delaware
Enter your search criteria, then click the ' SEARCH ' button. The information requested will be displayed in a list at the bottom of the screen. To view more details on the license or to view a printer friendly version, click the 'Number' under the License/Application/Approval Number column. Then click 'VIEW MORE INFO'. Services - Division of Corporations - State of Delaware
The Division of Corporations provides services that allow you to pay your annual taxes and file corporate annual reports, file UCC 1 and UCC 3 documents online and view the Delaware General Corporate Law via the internet. You may now also reserve names, check status of an entity and corporate history online. Pay Taxes File a UCC File Annual Report LLC Search - Delaware Business Entity Search | TRUiC
2. Do a Delaware Business Name Search. Before filing your name reservation request, you can use the Delaware Secretary of State Business Entity Search to check the availability of your desired entity name. To perform the most effective search, type in the name you would like to use, excluding identifiers like “LLC”, and leave all other ...